Chapter 13 Review Discovering Computers - Student Assignment (Mr. Tri Djoko Wahjono, Ir.,M.Sc)
Discovering Computers
Student Assignment - Chapter 13 Review
Name : Anneke Dwi Sesarika Rahmanto
Class : 01PCT
Student ID : 1701316166
Lecture : Mr. Tri Djoko Wahjono, Ir., M.Sc.
1. How are machine
languages different from assembly languages?
Two types of low-level languages are machine languages and
assembly languages. Machine language, known as the first generation of
programming languages, is the only language the computer directly recognizes.
Machine language instructions use a series of binary digits or a combination of
numbers and letters that represents binary digits. The binary digits correspond
to the on and off electrical states. As you might imagine, coding in machine
language is tedious and time-consuming. With an assembly language, the second
generation of programming languages, a programmer writes instructions using
symbolic instruction codes. Symbolic instruction codes are meaningful
abbreviations. With an assembly language, a programmer writes abbreviations
such as A for addition, C for compare, L for load and M for multiply. Assembly
languages also use symbolic addresses. A symbolic address is a meaningful name
that identifies a storage location. For example, a programmer can use the name
RATE to refer to the storage location that contains a pay rate.
2. What is the
purpose of procedural programming languages, and what are the features of C and
The disadvantages of machine and assembly (low-level)
languages led to the development of procedural languages in the late 1950s and
1960s. In a procedural language, the programmer writes instructions that tell
the computer what to accomplish and how to do it. With a procedural language,
often called a third-generation language (3GL), a programmer uses a series of
English-like words to write instructions. For example, ADD stands for addition
or PRINT means to print. Many 3GLs also use arithmetic operators such as * for
multiplication and 1 for addition. These English-like words and arithmetic
symbols simplify the program development process for the programmer. The C
programming language, developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie at Bell
Laboratories, originally was designed for writing system software. Today, many
programs are written in C (Figure 13-6). This includes operating systems and
application software such as word processing and spreadsheet programs. C is a
powerful language that requires professional programming skills. Many
programmers use C for business and scientific problems. C runs on almost any
type of computer with any operating system, but it is used most often with the
UNIX and Linux operating systems. COBOL (COmmon Business-Oriented Language)
evolved out of a joint effort between the United States government, businesses,
and major universities in the early 1960s (Figure 13-7). Naval officer Grace
Hopper, a pioneer in computer programming, was a prime developer of COBOL. COBOL
is a programming language designed for business applications. Although COBOL
programs often are lengthy, their English-like statements make the code easy to
read, write, and maintain. COBOL especially is useful for processing
transactions, such as payroll and billing, on mainframe computers. COBOL
programs also run on other types of computers.
3. What are the
characteristics of object-oriented programming languages and program
development tools?
Computer programmers use an object-oriented programming
(OOP) language or objectoriented program development tool to implement an
object-oriented design. Recall from Chapter 12 that an object is an item that
can contain both data and the procedures that read or manipulate that data. An
object represents a real person, place, event, or transaction. A major benefit
of OOP is the ability to reuse and modify existing objects. For example, once a
programmer creates an Employee object, it is available for use by any other
existing or future program. Thus, programmers repeatedly reuse existing
objects. For example, the payroll program and health benefits program both use
the Employee object. That is, the payroll program would use it to process
employee paychecks and the health benefits program would use it to process
health insurance payments. Programs developed using the object-oriented
approach have several advantages. The objects can be reused in many systems,
are designed for repeated use, and become stable over time. In addition, programmers
create applications faster because they design programs using existing objects.
4. What are the uses
of other programming languages and other program development tools?
A 4GL ( fourth-generation language) is a nonprocedural
language that enables users and programmers to access data in a database. With
a nonprocedural language, the programmer writes English-like instructions or
interacts with a graphical environment to retrieve data from files or a
database. Nonprocedural languages typically are easier to use than procedural
languages. Many object-oriented program development tools use 4GLs. One popular
4GL is SQL. As discussed in Chapter 10, SQL is a query language that allows
users to manage, update, and retrieve data in a relational DBMS. These powerful
languages allow database administrators to define a database and its structure.
They also enable users to maintain and access the data in the database.
5. What are web page
program development techniques such as HTML and XHTML, XML and WML, scripting
languages, DHTML, Ruby on Rails, Web 2.0 Development, and web page authoring
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a special formatting
language that programmers use to format documents for display on the Web. You
view a Web page written with HTML in a Web browser such as Internet Explorer,
Safari, Firefox, Opera, or Google Chrome. Similarly, XHTML (extensible HTML) is
a markup language that enables Web sites to be displayed more easily on
microbrowsers in smart phones and other mobile devices, as well as on desktop
and notebook computers. XHTML includes features of HTML and XML. XML
(Extensible Markup Language) is an increasingly popular format for sharing data
that allows Web developers to create customized tags, as well as use predefined
tags, used for developing a single Web site whose content can be formatted to
display appropriately on various devices. XML separates the Web page content
from its format, allowing the Web browser to display the contents of a Web page
in a form appropriate for the display device. For example, a smart phone, a
PDA, and a notebook computer all could display the same XML page or use
different formats or sections of the XML page. Wireless devices use a subset of
XML called WML. WML (wireless markup language) allows Web developers to design
pages specifically for microbrowsers. Many smart phones and other mobile
devices use WML as their markup language. Programmers write scripts, applets,
servlets, or ActiveX controls using a variety of languages. These include some
of the languages previously discussed, such as Java, C++, C#, F#, and Visual
Basic. Some programmers use scripting languages. A scripting language is an
interpreted language that typically is easy to learn and use. Popular scripting
languages include JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Rexx, Tcl, and VBScript. Dynamic HTML
(DHTML) is a type of HTML that allows Web developers to include more graphical
interest and interactivity in a Web page, without the Web page accessing the
Web server. That is, the client’s computer automatically updates and changes
its own content. These Web pages display much faster than Web pages created
with HTML. Ruby on Rails (RoR), also called Rails, is an open source framework
that provides technologies for developing object-oriented, database-driven Web
sites. Rails uses a free, object-oriented scripting language called Ruby, which
is derived from a variety of languages including Ada, LISP, Perl, and
Smalltalk. Rails is designed to make Web developers more productive by
providing them an easy-to-use environment and eliminating time-consuming steps
in the Web development process. Web 2.0 sites often use RSS, previously
discussed, and Ajax. Ajax, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is
a method of creating interactive Web applications designed to provide immediate
response to user requests. Instead of refreshing entire Web pages, Ajax works
with the Web browser to update only changes to the Web page. This technique
saves time because the Web application does not spend time repeatedly sending
unchanged information across the network. Web page authoring software generates
HTML and XHTML tags from your Web page design. With Web page authoring
software, you can view or modify the HTML or XHTML associated with a Web page.
Sometimes, you may add an HTML or XHTML tag that the Web page authoring
software does not provide. Learning HTML and XHTML basics will enable you to
fine-tune Web page formats created with authoring software.
6. How are popular
multimedia authoring programs used?
Multimedia authoring software allows programmers to combine
text, graphics, animation, audio, and video in an interactivepresentation. Many
programmers use multimedia authoring software for computer based training (CBT)
and Web-based training (WBT). Popular Web page authoring programs typically
share similar features and are capable of creating similar applications.
Popular programs include ToolBook and Director. ToolBook, from SumTotal
Systems, has a graphical user interface and uses an object oriented approach,
so that programmers can design multimedia applications using basic objects.
These objects include buttons, fields, graphics, backgrounds, and pages.
Director, from Adobe Systems, is a popular multimedia authoring program with
powerful features that allow programmers to create highly interactive
multimedia applications.
7. What are the six
steps in the program development life cycle?
Program development consists of a series of steps
programmers use to build computer programs. As Chapter 12 discussed, the system
development life cycle guides information technology (IT) professionals through
the development of an information system. Likewise, the program development
life cycle (PDLC) guides computer programmers through the development of a
program. The program development life cycle consists of six steps :
1. Analyze Requirements
2. Design Solution
3. Validate Design
4. Implement Design
5. Test Solution
6. Document Solution
The steps in the program development life cycle form a loop.
Program development is an ongoing process within system development. Each time
someone identifies errors in or improvements to a program and requests program
modifications, the Analyze Requirements step begins again. When programmers
correct errors or add enhancements to an existing program, they are said to be
maintaining the program. Program maintenance is an ongoing activity that occurs
after a program has been delivered to users, or placed into production.
8. How is structured
design different from object oriented design?
In structured design, sometimes called top-down design, the
programmer typically begins with a general design and moves toward a more
detailed design. This approach breaks down the original set of requirements
into smaller, more manageable sections. The first step in top-down design is to
identify the major function of a program, sometimes called the main routine or
main module. Next, the programmer decomposes (breaks down) the main routine
into smaller sections, called subroutines or modules. Then, the programmer analyzes
each subroutine to determine if it can be decomposed further. With
object-oriented (OO) design, the programmer packages the data and the program
(or procedure) into a single unit, an object. When the structure of an object
changes, any program that accesses the object automatically accesses the
change. The concept of packaging data and procedures into a single object is
called encapsulation. That is, an object encapsulates (hides) the details of
the object.
9. What are the basic
control structures and design tools used in designing solutions to programming
To help document a solution algorithm, programmers use
design tools. Two structured design tools are program flowcharts and
pseudocode. A design tool for object-oriented design is the UML.
• A program flowchart, or simply flowchart, graphically
shows the logic in a solution algorithm. The American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) published a set of standards for program flowcharts in the
early 1960s. These standards, still used today, specify symbols for various
operations in a program’s logic. Programmers connect most symbols on a program
flowchart with solid lines. These lines show the direction of the program.
Dotted lines on a flowchart connect comment symbols. A comment symbol, also
called an annotation symbol, explains or clarifies logic in the solution
• Pseudocode uses a condensed form of English to convey
program logic. Some programmers prefer to explain the logic of a solution
algorithm with words (pseudocode), instead of a graphical flowcharting
technique. Pseudo code also uses indentation to identify the control
structures. The beginning and ending of the module start at the left margin.
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